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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Trends Toward Online Work, 21st Century Marketing Mastery

Welcome Fellow Top 1% Internet Marketers!

Barbara here.  May this day find you well no matter what you're facing.  This post is dedicated to some wondrous marketers I've been working with.  They are tremendous people so watch for them as more of us align our blogs with one another.  Each marketer represents his/her own unique self.

1) Matt
2) Wes
3) Joan

Back to current times...there is confusion on this gameboard, I'll admit. We are living in challenging times, but I will confirm (ahead of another emerging, but exciting reality) that we are also headed for some very good times!

Superaffiliate forces are in training!  We are looking most actively for more.

How You May Qualify

In today's post, I will just visit with you as if we've known each other for 10 years now. I hope that's ok.  

  • If you feel as if you've been groomed for something very special all your life, it is NOT your imagination!
  • If you've eaten the short end of the lollipop more times than you'd care to admit, it is not your imagination!
  • If you have put yourself ahead of countless others selflessly (because that's who you are time and time again), it's your time to profit!
  • If you've gone to hell and back trying to usher in peaceful times while encountering heavy resistance, it's time to meet your TRUE family!
  • If your eyes can't believe what you're reading and your heart is jumping for joy -- yes - you're an unidentified potential superaffiliate who could join our team!
  • You won't have to take order you can't stomach..., 
  • You won't be asked to forfeit your belief system for some silly, outmoded idea making very little sense...,
  • You won't have to nurture people who won't do their own work...,
  • You won't have to work with people you can't stand...,
  • You'll have free reign to market your business as you see fit...,
  • You won't have to worry about something fleecing you at any moment because we all think alike..., and we don't keep the shortcutters...,
  • You will be thrilled to meet this group of dedicated people!
Family Meeting True Family

Fly High With Eagles Instead of Being Pulled Down By Turkeys

I will tell you about something that is taking place, and it's happening at lightening speeds.  People are not sure who to believe because information is changing so fast offline...and online too.  Online -- you'll see websites carrying content dating back to 2005!  Major industries rely on websites that don't even build their client lists!  These pros don't necessarily know what's involved because they're still using snail mail and of course...they are busy running their businesses.

Current Content

Look for content that is being written 2010 and 2011.  Masters are emerging and they are demanding that many systems now change to include comprehensive marketing, thorough education, and something integrated we can use to more easily build our web work without killing ourselves over years and years of complicated coding.

Trends Toward Online Work, 21st Century Work

This trend is real.  

I don't care how many people offline tell me, "You can't make a living online".  There are 2 types of people who live online.  The first type -- know you can build a sustainable business online because they're already doing it..., and the second type haven't proved the first hypothesis is true yet...(which is theory for those in the 1st group). They are MLM'ers, affiliates, and hybrid marketers (who do both).

  • The trend now is that companies are saving $$ by moving employees back into the home environment
  • Individuals are working from home because they want to spend time with family
  • They're tired of long communtes
  • They're wondering who in the heck they're working for now
  • They're tired of feeling "disenfranchised" (meaning they don't know where they belong within the company)
  • They want more out of life in terms of the things they can actively create
  • When you create, you love your work!
The Masses 
  • Long-term unemployed people are 45% in number
  • 50% are educated and are still searching for work
  • Uneducated people are struggling in major ways
  • If we are employed, some are underpaid
  • Some are overpaid and they represent a very slim minority who gave themselves bonus payouts at times where the public was feeling skinned alive. Yup. Wall Street and the bankers really messed up because they didn't care...but what the hay...they skimmed our investments right down to the bone ...not just for 1 or 2 years...but easily for 10.
There Is Good News

The good news is -- if you think along straight business lines, then we're no longer gambling on "unpredictable financiers".  Wouldn't it make sense to take matters into your own hands.

Would you consider pulling in some online marketing?  That means that there's major opportunity available for you online, if you want to consider it. 

You're Online -- Now You See A Ton of Sites

So a lot of people are searching. They're searching for solutions and they are feeling overwhelmed.  Now I'll offer you a review to tell you how you may protect yourself.  A lot of marketers "scare you to death" and then "promise to fix your problem".  I'm not suggesting it has to be this way because these marketers know that if they can get your heart pumping and your emotions charged, you'll run for your wallet.  But...ask that really what I need right now?

Internet Gurus

These folks are adept at asking you to buy every slice of cheese available in the cheese and dairy case.  You will go much further by finding out what's really you take a bit of time to see what's out there.  Please... put your $$ and credit cards in your safety deposit box, in the meantime.  Put it where it's going to take time to get to it, so you can be sure before you make some wild-eyed purchase hoping it will get you to the moon.

I can tell you -- by getting everything housed under one roof, you will fare better online. 

Find a system or a blueprint that's proven..., seek out the most qualified people to help.  If you're searching for your magic beans by trusting a guru, again...I am in touch with marketers who are just plain, honest, caring people. We support a "No Guru, Guru" Mantra.  Take heed.  I've studied more websites online than I'd care to admit... and you truly don't need to do this.  If you are willing to invest a small, affordable sum in your marketing education, you will fare much better.   I am not saying you should join a traditional university program only expanding on what came before.  Yeah -- they're doing this even at the MBA level.  Universities -- WE WANT TO KNOW HOW TO DIRECTLY CREATE A LIVING OURSELVES.  We don't want more theory, and we don't want to be dependent another 35 years on a company spending our promised savings.

21st Century Work -- Part Of An Ongoing Shift 

Now...if you're still here reading these messages, I will apologize in the event I've stepped on some bankers toes.  I'll do the same if I put a dent in an investment planner's  system.  This is not an "us" VS. "you" thing.  This is about taking back our power.

So if you are one of us who have moments where you feel as if you're living in quicksand, Americans are facing major changes at all work levels.  I'm not talking about "end-of-the-world" stuff.  Companies have automated, and individuals need to take care of number #1 before our gov't spends our tax $$ elsewhere.

Our Information Age means we'll all have to switch gears, and we (you) can address your dread of change by telling yourself daily, "I am capable of abundant change"...and "I now go beyond my fears and limitations"... and "I now move beyond the fears and limitations of others".  Things will begin to settle and make more sense as you pull in new learning and lots of help. Those who I am connecting to online are part of the supportive system. They believe in you and they are here to genuinely help without feeding you baloney. 

Never run out of help!

2012 Approaching

Old times talk about unhappy things.  I say...forget gloomy, doomy days. The pulpit bangers have been doing this since the dawn of mankind, and we're tired of seeing the old "end of the world" date shift.

There is good change coming.

If we're moving slowly, OK.  

  • For some, that means they must now look at things in a different light 
  • For others, that means altering the way they live life...
  • And for means facing radically new change...
  • Please keep telling yourself that any change you choose to face will be very positive change... and you will experience that reality without any injury to you, your family, or your friends -- it will be!
  • Stay away from negative people
  • Remain as independent as you possibly can
  • If you're searching for online work to do magic for you, there's no secret spell or incantation
  • There's no substitute for you applying yourself or caring for others.

What I Know, Firsthand

You're looking for a system that will deliver more of the time than not. 

Watch Out For Lofty Promises

When new people come online searching for something, that run into the deluge of gurus who tell you that you're missing out on something when, in fact, you are not.  They scare you into thinking that one thing is true...when it is not.  They ask you to buy X, Y, and Z...when all you really need is an honest assessment.

  • True marketers put themselves out there first
  • They give to you before they collect from you
  • They offer content mixed in with many products/services..and that content has to be of big help to you.  (I cite one of my personal mentors who spent $70,000 online hoping to find his big break. The break came when he stopped buying everything guru's threw at him..., and when he began to study people like Dan Kennedy and Perry Marshall, his success took shape. It did not happen until he took his own direction.  
  • The same will happen to you if you are dedicated to your success...and you help others succeed
  • This power has always been a part of you and it resides from within
  • No one can activate this power for you.., only you can do it.

Online, Showcase Your Name

You do not need to spend $3,000 - $5,000 to get what is already yours.  You need a domain name ( for $12/year...the costs have risen on that end...and domain hosting (web hosting..for about $8 - 12/month).  Inside of your web host, you will find major solutions

Trend Toward Online Work Increases

We have a deluge of people coming online, and they want part-time or full-time work.  I recommend you avoid the "Nigerian Bank Scam" or filling out surveys...or even shopping for pay, as fun as it sounds.

The Powerhouses Now In Training --

Actively Assisting One Another

1) Network marketers who want a better way

2) People who want to do something else

3) Affiliate marketers...

4) Professionals who are tired of the 80-hour week grind...
5) Franchise owners who are beat -- I did that and have the old shirt.

1 Out of 2,000

1 out of 2,000 people will actually do something.  

If you are here..., you are most likely the 1 in 2,000 who wants a business that will last, but you may not know that trial and error is unnecessary.  That's where you want a system that will show you how to place your name online, find people who want what you offer, and so on.

Google, The Major Search Engine

Google demands we educate ourselves further, and it's naturally pushing marketers hard.

To Grow A Massive Enterprise

Your blueprint must span the Internet, and it will involve massive action.  

You're looking for predefined targets so that you can work your way into a new reality.  You do not need to hit those targets every single day because there are up's and down's in business... as sure as there are changes in seasons.

Beware of the Biz Opp

If you add a business opportunity to your web presence, Google will shut you down.  

You must pull in other ways of advertising yourself without coming across in that way. One way is to pull in your Free account.  It is a start and it keeps you independent when you market MLM + affiliates, or one or the other.  I've talked about this step in many of my prior posts.

Blogger gives you the chance to link your blog to other blogs, thereby building your web work.
When you are actively seeking marketers you want to join in trust and in active unison (without any baloney), look for the ones who are actively growing on a regular basis.  These are the ones who will provide group and individual guidance. Whew!  That was a lot to say.  I know you've gotten this jist! We're looking forward to meeting you very soon.  More work is underway so the plumbing online isn't fully connected yet.  Please be patient.

Also, feel free to post your comments and or suggestions for the top 3 problems plaguing your business.  I do respond to serious marketers. 

Toasting Your Success,

Barbara Brinkmeyer, MBA
Internet Marketing Mentor/Teacher

Monday, September 20, 2010

Laws of Attraction and Connection Applied, Part 3

Welcome Back Fellow MLM Buddies!

Ok.  Let's tackle a subject you're most likely silently debating inside of your most trusted inner MLM circles.  I bet you've asked other distributors ..."Now how come I'm killing myself using my warm market..and how come I haven't become the hunted person like those top guys standing onstage?   I mean -- I'm not lazy.  I'm a top producer in anything else I've ever tried before, and I've done everything they told me to do right down to the very letter...but I'm still sitting in Brokesville"!  (NOTE:  I don't call $900/month in residual top 1% earner income anything substantial because that's the MLM average.)

Want The Absolute Truth ?

Are you ready?  I can tell you some wild stories just like the other 4 MLM's who came before you...just before arrived here at my blog.  I'm not here to upset you cause I know how painful it is to walk this walk.  That's why I'm here online tell you that you can become the hunted.

If you've followed any of my multiple blogs (and there will be more), notice how I'm writing like a demon but I do it because I am motivated to help you get what you need...not because it's necessarily required?  Some people say..."Oh man...that free stuff doesn't work".  Sure -- it costs time and time is $$..but if you're moving online and you don't have a ton of $$ to toss away on Google Adwords (you haven't yet mastered), then don't.  It takes special skills to know what has to happen first, and second, and third before you're pulling in leads.

Proof Is In The Pudding

Enter a search. Enter Terry Duff over at Google.  He is one primary mentor and a true teacher of classic Internet marketing.  He always responds to me directly thru email.  How many MLM leaders do that for you?  They just stand there in their "suits" looking at you.  It's zero!  These primary stakeholders have this weird "don't be there rule" for people so that you'll seek them out actively, thinking that they're some special duly elected Poo-Pa.  And..., maybe you are...but what you get are ZERO organizational results using that method.

Under Terry Duff... you will see an odd listing, #2 position?  It's no big deal...but look for the highlighted link, "Add 7 Reps A Day"...

Click here == > Add 7 Reps A Day

Point is -- I pay very little, if any money for advertising!  Once you're indexed the right way and you stay there, your site will work for you for years to come.

I wake up every morning in my jammies..and I open my email to find online folks asking me about more information, and I don't have to bug them to death on the phone or chase them down in person.

Want to know more?  Fill out your information on the right-hand side of this blog and GRAB Your FREE Powerhouse Report today! Submit in confidence.

NOTE:  If you're just surfing the net to find out how to get your old X back..., just Google it.  I only work with the most serious network marketers who want to appeal to specific MLM audiences.

  • Take my free report...
  • Print it out
  • Read it 
  • Apply 1 or 2 things you read from it today...,
  • In my Powerhouse Newsletter, I bring you what's needed..., action-packed content I've published with countless thousands online..., sharing tips, resources, tricks and more...,
  • I am rewriting newsletter content to reflect updated marketing please stay tuned...,
  • Do it NOW...,
  • There are hundreds of MLM'ers way ahead of you and they're not getting pressure to hand out parking lot fliers or purchase 200 DVD's they will never use...or worse...have to sell on E-Bay in the event their MLM heads South!

If you're tired of duking it out after years of slugging it in the trenches, this report is made for you!

B. Brinkmeyer, MBA
Internet Marketing Teacher/Mentor

Add 7 Reps A Day