Fine greetings are offered to you today. There are a variety of Q's spanning several issues, but the most pressing one I would like to address today is that I represent an independent resource bringing you Internet marketing. Content I do post will share the Open Education Project that is affiliate marketing based (mainly because that's the insistent strategy the owners of Wealthy Affiliate promote), but that is not my intention.
1) Is it to promote healthy online marketing
2) Encourage you to learn for yourself what you will be doing anyway
I will cite a famous person who, in this example, outsources international marketing campaigns to an Internet Marketing company. He's paying big $$ for a #1 Google position, he's spending a lot on pay-per-click advertising (but most probably will not directly know why or may not know that he can streamline the campaign so as to produce highly efficient clicks. This is true because he may not be directly involved in the daily handling of the campaign itself. Or...if he is, he is interacting to a very limited degree.
Those marketers who own their websites outright, who deal directly with consumers at all levels of business, who ensure that products/services are being fulfilled on time so as to keep business repeatedly coming back cannot afford to take short-cuts with consumers. I am not suggesting that the international campaign owner is taking shortcuts with consumers. He has to put his time into creating new products that expand operations/profits.
Let's use an example of a case where there is a bookstore owner operating online and offline business. In the case of the bookstore owner, it is in his best interest to know precisely what's happening with the campaign. He is going to have to hire a store manager in order to assist them with daily aspects of offline management....and he will focus largely on online business. The point is -- the ones who are doing extremely well in business, even if they are...say...dentists are doing better than businesses having no Internet web presence. They are dealing specifically with limited realities confined to the areas in which they physically operate.
Many more businesses are coming online, but they don't know what to do. That is the biggest challenge all Internet marketers face. These businesses, even in cases where attorneys are expanding to online business, have challenges building their lists while maintaining them. Everything you create, you have to maintain, improve, and expand further.
Internet marketing is not for everyone.
Affiliate marketing is only one way to build profits while moving into independent directions, but in a majority of cases, you have to work with and know who your affiliate marketer is. In a vast majority of cases, I would not recommend affiliate marketing to anyone when they don't have a chance to interact with the superaffiliate online. If you don't know them, you don't know if they will payout...let alone on-time. That is being honest.'
If you are MLM and you want that, then stick with it.
If you are an independent force, and you want that, then stick with that decision. That is the kind of business I highly favor and will build upon (setting up a medical website once I am fully certified as an M.D., a longer-term goal). Here is slight shift in topic. We turn to avoiding unnecessary cash losses many seasoned Internet marketers call "cash donations".
Big Cash Losses
I cite one individual who did not learn Internet marketing on a budget. He put his credit cards out there in cyberspace..., and it is a very dangerous decision when you do not have Internet marketing action blueprints or specifically laid out strategies guiding the process. Keep in mind, this is the worst of all situations I share. He put his family in deep debt, $600,000 and then tried to blame choices on conditions other than what he could aptly trust -- his direct business, qualified marketers, and his direct marketing abilities. The story ends poorly so I won't belabor what happened next.
The main point is -- admittedly shared is -- the ones I do trust will ALL tell you -- don't spend. There is a major reason why Google was hit with a lawsuit. They had earned MASSIVE ad money and had to pay the federal government some hefty fines. It did not put them out of business, but it was a big bill.
Find out what is involved. Avoid major affiliates who want to tell you a bunch of stuff you are most probably not ready to implement, and get the starter basics. In terms of online business, you are also better off studying Internet marketing done legally. If you violate U.S. Cyberlaws, you'll have jail time. There are many serious issues that should be understood before "just setting up some website".
Even if you have Internet marketing in place and you are looking for cost effective, safe ways to expand your operations, find out from the ones who know what is involved. You would not make the same kind of mistake in an offline endeavor, and you shouldn't start doing so online. Large companies spend millions and millions to make their campaigns work. As an individual most likely not having much cash flow, you are far better off building your business using sweat equity.
Research matters. Research individuals. Run "background checks" on individuals by name and by mention. In a majority of cases, if the marketer is very clean and forthright, they will have testimonials confirming that they aren't hassling consumers. They aren't pressuring consumers to do things they don't want to do, and in the world of Internet marketing, the same applies to online entrepreneurs.
Find out what is involved. Obtain global basics. Apply what you learn. Don't skip methodology that does work? Still unsure of what I am saying?
I have a #5 listing with Google appearing under my name. This IS PRECISELY WHERE I want my listing to be. Why? Have I paid for it using monetary units ($$'s)? No. I use effort and my brains to write the content that will protect consumers and tell them precisely what is involved. In the world of better business, this is not about convincing you to hit a pay button (as you WILL encounter in professionally manipulated ad copy that triggers your unresolved emotions and pressures you to make a decision now).
The best marketers do NOT do this.
A #1 PAID Google website gets all of the clickers who are just "skimming and clicking". You do not have to pay for this position. If you are willing to pull in article marketing (which we definitely teach under the roof I can with clear conscience promote, then you WILL get natural traffic). You want to index your website/blog...or whatever Word Press blog you set up in a #5 position. This PUSHES people to search for you. It is called a filter, and it is one of many filters I will teach you. The #5 position boots the less serious-minded peopld out the door. The most motivated ones have to search for you, find you, then opt in honestly for their reports and newsletters. This is another filter that pre-qualifies people for you. It is a business standard.
However, Internet marketing content is massively expanded. You will not see it here appearing on a smaller blogger blog that only carries so much room. I WILL TAKE YOU BEHIND ACTIVE DOORWAYS TO LET YOU SAMPLE WHAT WILL BE LEARNED ANYWHERE YOU GO ONLINE.
This is not about hassled purchasing. This is about protecting consumers from those who would not teach you what is absolutely required, and it is about protecting consumers who pay a ton out in $$ but never reap any real profits.
- Those I work with uphold entrepreneurial public good
- They are active people who are available 24/7
- They work in interactive ways..., and many of them do it out of their heart's good
- BUT... we all have to pay rent. We all have to eat. We all want to promote business that does work -- not just for the few but for the many.
Education is a key part of that learning.
DO NOT SHORTCUT YOUR INTERNET MARKETING EDUCATION. It is one of the wisest choices you will ever make, in terms of becoming an empowerer entity. Even if it is plain old education, there are still major advantages to developing a quality mind that is informed, not because a government says so...but because your solid mind and heart uphold your highest, most important values.
So no matter who you learn from, the most qualified Internet marketers will always be very honest with you. They will say -- if you are not prepared to your in "your all", if you are looking for some system that claims to do everything for you, newspapers won't pick up your articles. If you say that you are here for a quick fix, I'm the wrong resource.
For those who want to set up their websites that will be nicely ranked with Google using fixed budgets (which is absolutely the way to go when you are in early business setup), then you want options. If you have a budget you can devote to Internet marketing that outsources work (for website setup, for professional ad copy, for blogging, for professional logo graphics/design, you can hire people). What you do want to know is which services will do that work for you while delivering the results you demand and deserve. You won't want to just head online and pick unknown free-lancers who can't give you credentials. AND...if you hire some SEO "pro guys", have they studied extensive online marketing?
Conduct the research. Find the proven sources that do work and deliver real results. I have paid for people who said they knew what they were doing -- and I did get some mixed results. That is when I said, "You're fired. I'm doing it myself". No matter HOW LONG it takes to set up your campaign, when you are doing it yourself YOU KNOW what kind of result you are getting. There is no mystery. Then..if you find that you have created an ugly campaign, you can always start over again.
I hope something helps here. I am someone who is preparing for medical school. Do I NEED YOUR BUSINESS? No. I am here working to benefit you. If I am worthy of any commision or any pay..., it will be because you see skills I have and can offer...OR if there is something you need and you don't feel okay with me, NO BIG DEAL. I was an independent entity by age 30 in this world.
I AM HERE TO SHOW YOU YOUR TRUE POWER CONSISTENTLY OFFERED AS IT MEETS PROMISES I MADE TO THOSE WHO HELPED ME. This is what Internet marketers will do. They actively make a choice. They dedicate themselves to clean marketing, and they teach what they themselves will learn -- not done so through some 30 minute coaching sessions (which is happening..and I am not convinced this is giving people the skills they absolutely need online). I will be paid...not because anyone says so but because it is decent compensation for a job well done. I am a consumer advocate.
So if you like the content here, you are free to follow more posts. If not, you are free to find others who will help you justly, fairly and confidently. Please be certain that whatever you do in life, pull in full conviction. If you are a self-starter, you do that anyway so you are already in good company. If you want automated riches, the gurus will win and you will have only paid out your hard-earned $$ --- without obtaining a single level of marketing awareness.
I conducted an extensive search for Internet marketing content yesterday so as to offer you a wonderful starter (Join Me) report....but I am not yet satisfied. Until that content is absolutely going to answer your initial questions, I will let you know. It is coming so please stay tuned. Wishing you well for a wonderful day.
Toasting Your Success Using Proven Means!
Barbara Brinkmeyer, MBA
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