In my December 3, 2008 post, I shared Deepak Chopra's wisdom on creating affluence. In his book titled, "Deepak Chopra, M.D. -- The A-Z Steps to a Richer Life", we're reminded that affluence is a state of mind.
- A person may possess great wealth in life but they may be poor in mind. Conversely, another person may be poor in their pocketbook but they may be spiritually rich.
- The goal of this post (and future posts) is to help you align your spiritual self to your human self.
- When both self and soul are aligned, your soul will bring forth 'inherent wisdom' or your inner-knowingness.
The essential quality of "C" "stands for Carefreeness and Charity". Because Chopra states these qualities succinctly, I will directly quote his book. In it he states, "A billion dollars in the bank, without the experience of carefreeness and charity, is a state of poverty. Wealth consciousness, by definition, is a state of mind. If you are constantly concerned about how much money you need, then irrespective of the actual dollar amount you have in your account, you are really poor".
"Carefreeness automatically leads to charity and sharing because the source from which it all comes is infinite, unbounded, and inexhaustible".
Think of the Universe as a mirror. It shows you the results of your inner-most thoughts and beliefs based on actions you take today. These thoughts will reflect your conscious and subconscious belief system. However, if you're not sure what your subconscious thoughts are, the conscious mind receives signals from the subconscious mind. What's neat about the natural law of mirroring -- these mirrorings appear in the form of people, messages, timed events and coincidences.
If you discover a belief is holding you back, you may reprogram the belief by using positive statements called affirmations. I talked about how this process works in the post covering letter "B". In short, if you rewrite an old belief in positive terms, you will begin to program the new belief.
I am poor.
Replace the new belief with:
I am abundant.
At first, you may not feel this new state of being.
You have to feel the new reality in your body before it appears.
Then by feeling that feeling consistently, you'll tell your subconscious mind the new thought.
The subconscious mind accepts the new affirmation without question.
The key is not to contradict yourself when you're reprogramming an old thought.
The affirmation can be stated out loud or it can be written on paper.
Here's a complete affirmation --
"Because I am inherently complete in the eyes of my creator, I am complete",
It takes 30 days to embed a new belief. You must accept it unconditionally for your subconscious mind to accept the new thought.
To make the first affirmation plausible to your mind, you can embed the first affirmation with the second one by telling yourself.
"I am abundant".
As you move in this direction consistently, you will produce a positive change.
If you use these affirmations but then talk to neighbors or family members about "not being abundant", your subconcsious mind will hold onto this belief. The goal is to be careful about what you say, paying close attention to how often you say it.
If you would like to understand more about how you may reprogram an old thought, feel free to post your comments. I will be happy to offer additional input.
Supporting Your Success Using Proven Means, Thoughts and Principles,
B. Brinkmeyer