Hello Home-Based Business Friends!
Responding to comments from readers, I'll offer this primary insight. People say that having a home-based business doesn't lend itself to much success. That's only true when these forces are at work:
1) You're working your business for someone else instead of yourself
2) You've forgotten to put that effort forth in the right light.
Right light -- meaning...what is that one fire that sits in your belly? It should be something that will get you up early enough in the morning to write an article, form a blog post, talk to people, or inspire another action.
Business is about taking one step at a a time daily, connecting, caring, and being yourself.
If you can zero in on the essence of why you're here on this Earth, you will create your business. It may not happen overnight. It could take you years of soul searching and even connecting to people. Still don't believe me?
I'm about to reveal something extraordinary, and it takes some faith to read what I'll now share. So I meandered for a while putting everyone else's small business ideas to work online. I was doing everything they said I should do, but then one day I took a very radical turn.
I made a decision that no one approved of at all. I connected to someone I absolutely adored online. He's very famous. He had little to do with home-based business, but anyway, I knew something about Internet marketing. I went to his website and noticed that there were some things that could use improving. I offered my two input, and next thing I knew...I'm developing a friendship with this person.
In life, one things leads to another. So here's my biggest point. I'm developing this friendship with this person. He's in the music industry, and he's sold 70 million albums, DVD's, and more. I spend the next 4 months intensively helping this man..., and he's a wonderful person. I find out what he really wants. He wants a decent friend who will just help. I offer that part.
THEN...out of the blue, I discover my passion!
At Facebook, I start working a new profile based on this powerful content one hundred thousand people on this Earth are clammoring for, but that's the key to your success. You're looking for something that is so inspirational to you first, and then it will apply to others.
When you find this one thing, it will carry over into many other avenues of helpful success. You're looking for that one thing that will inspire you through challenging times, where few believe in your ability to create this abundance.
If you're still not sure, think about how many people online are working their businesses from home. They're really not working MLM. They are using Internet marketing though. AND..., once they find that key thing they love being first and foremost (and then doing), they're creating their own success. We're in the middle of a major shift now, and getting paid will carry different meaning to those who are passionate about what they do.
Toasting Your Success Online,
Barbara Brinkmeyer, MBA
Internet Marketer/Life Coach