There are quite a few Q's incoming.
I am most happy to report that in response to "Is blogging difficult...and does it take a lot of time?" As with anything you first learn, it takes time. Persistent is your best choice.
Blogging feeks a bit tricky when you're uncertain about what you're wanting to address, target, or format. As with blogs that first start small and eventually grow, the key is to offer extremely high quality content. CONTENT IS KING ONLINE, and you must be willing to allow your readers to comment on anything they wish as those comments pertain to your blogs. This is necessary to start the first flow of monies...called donations...and for special purposes, donations are best initiated by connecting Paypal to A-Weber. You need these two tools. A-Weber builds your opt-in (free report) list. This is where you also build your fan following. Without the paid monthly A-Weber, you cannot enable PayPal pay buttons...or include shopping carts.
Even though this blog is NOT in its final form, I learn by doing. Over time, you can edit, delete, link, import, and transfer whatever you wish to retain on a more permanent basis.
You can form 5 blogs representing various niches..., play with your passionate understanding first, and then write from your heart.
- Your enthusiasm and Spirit will translate over to the simple writing you first initiate
- The more you write, the better you get
- Pull in any inspiration you received from many incoming resources
- As long as you cite all original authors, and state that whomever you are sharing that no copyright infringements are intended, the courts in America are active whenever there are infringements on products creating DIRECT profits off of those products
- So what you have to do to offset that risk is pull in clear affiliate marketing (where all agreements are signed ahead of time, and commissions are spelled out in writing)
- I will offer specific guidelines pertaining to selecting the proper super-affiliates (it can be a somewhat tricky process to pick and choose rightly,
Is setting up a blogger format difficult?
No. Once you form your initial blogger account (free), just pick a template and run with it. You can change the template anytime you wish.
What about other bloggers? Do I have to worry about spam? Yes and no. Initially, you are after traffic (eyes). Laster, you can qualify readers through your opt-in newsletter. The finest examples of successful blogs that go very big and turn into paid business are ones that start out small. The key is to be completely transparent with all offers. Tell people..."If you click on this product, I receive a partial commission (U.S. Digital Law)."
Eventually, you can add a filter to your blog to rule out "too-spammy" comments over time.
Is Page Expansion Available?
Yes. At first, when you begin're just playing with formats, headlines, content, Q's & A's in order to find out what people need. You can add pages simply by clicking on "add pages". For now, I'm just putting majorly helpful marketing content into your hands in order to spare you unnecessary online cash donations.
Blogger is a research tool used to determine what people want most. Based on the repeat Q's you obtain on a blog (whether it's network marketing, affiliate, or independent marketing, people will SHOW you what they need. It is at this time that products can be formed, attached to the blog, and then sold. This is called targeted marketing, and it is highly effective.)
When you start to initiate and post content, you can edit/delete content at any time. Content can be moved over to a Word Press blog such as my newest one -- the kind you are actually requesting! You will obviously see the rudimentary it evolves soon enough.
Handheld Marketing Mastery
((This handheld marketing mastery will be the extended PRO version of this blog (I hope)...and it is in development by me...but there's not much happening here yet. I am figuring out how this version of Word Press works.))
...when it is done well.
For me, now that I have been playing on this blog for 6 years, I have outlined specific strategies leading to pay! Even though I am working on my med school enrollment, I will continue to teach Internet marketing.
I intend to bring you the fairest, most reasonable, highest quality products available it pertains to independent marketing.
The videos I leverage are only for your educational benefit so that you may emulate with care and proper marketing approaches a highly inter-active, self-created fan audience.
Stopping here. I am bringing you videos that pertain to Internet marketing, but I am hitting a few bricks walls. Please be patient. More is in development.
Feel free to post your comments and sincere suggestions!
Toasting Your Blogging Success, Absolutely!
Barbara Brinkmeyer, MBA