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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Case Study (How a Real Promo Can Work)

Hi fellow MLM'ers and affiliates!

Trasform Your Business Harnessing the Power of the Internet

This exercise won't cost you a dime.

I'd like to show you how a professional ad works.

Why would you want to know this when you're interested in finding business


Well, if you're harnessing the power of the Internet to approach people in

large number, you'll have to understand how a proper front-end campaign

works (going from grabbing interest and attention, to holding attention,

telling people where they should look, clicking on links, then moving into

profit). It's important the order is proper -- just like recruiting in the MLM...,

where you focus on holding someone's attention, inviting them to an event or

a presentation or a call, then closing them following that event. Step out of

order and you'll miss.

= = = > CLICK HERE

What To Pay Attention To

Focus on how content forms --

  • see how the ad is constructed, broken into headlines and subheadlines,

using mindspeak of the target audience, noticing how the order of thoughts flow ..., then

Look at the 'why's of ' copy --

  • copywriting (not copyrighting), that's everything you see presented logically.

The Ad Has An Irresistable Offer

1) What does the offer mean to the other person?

2) What's the true cost?

3) Is there a genuine gain?

4) Is there a long-term benefit?

Exception: If you're in testing phases of campaign development, these steps

involve refinement.


The Flow Of Thought In A Successful Ad Must Offer:

  • an introduction

  • values and benefits

(won't usually include product features unless those features are technologically disruptive)

  • a strong call-to-action (CTA)

(why they should believe you or go to a recommended resource...or hit a link)

  • a close

People Use the Internet for 2 Primary Reasons --

1) research

2) purchase

What Happens Online

A person enters a keyword search or a string of keywords.

Your job is to make certain they can easily find you.

Attach valuable information in the form of a free report.

Give people your offer when they ask for it.

We test their interest by sending them to a link.

They click or they don't.

Catch People at Points of Purchase, Not Research

The Laws of Abundance and Attraction state --

"For these laws to take affect, you must first put yourself out

there 200% before anyone is going to trust you".

I will provide a solution to this question in the coming posts ahead.

Sorry. I've let you down a bit.

You can't expect me to spill all of the beans today?

= = = > CLICK HERE

Supporting Your Success Through Proven Means,

B. Brinkmeyer

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What's the Diff Between MLM'ers And Affiliates?

Hi folks!

Barbara here. Today's communications are yielding interesting results.

I have people asking one main question.

What do MLM'ers do VS. what do affiliates do?

Great question. Here's what I see (online).

The lines between the 2 types of marketers are converging, as the Internet molds a new type of marketer never before witnessed!

For MLM traditionalists -- you're doing offline (with some online work)
what we're doing online, until we can later justify development for products suiting the offline environment. We're big into niche research, confirming there's a need before we dive into intensive work, determining profitability. We're zigging and you're zagging..., and hopefully, somewhere in-between the 2 shall meet).

We build what you might call a downline of people in an organizational group..., through affiliate numbers operating within the superaffiliate environment. Either way -- I call these groups 'organizations', by very similar definition.

The reality is --

We all have to take care of each other or businesses fail.

The Internet appears to be increasing 'cohesiveness' among our kids. Maybe it will also increase that force between both types of marketers. I'd like to be positive about this reality...where affiliates help MLM'ers and visa versa.

If you had to use a self-funding proposal to offset long-term MLM business builder needs, affiliate marketing could be a great way to go.

Check out the 30-day challenge, listed on the right-hand side. They address both needs..., where you pick any product you want to move...and they fill in the details!

If you're not into web development yet, their offerings vary a bit (website creation, data management, copywriting..., publishing and more).

The main drawback to affiliate marketing is that you can't change copy or modify content, suiting your needs. You take what's already there and then you promote it. But.., affiliate marketing can show MLM'ers the proper campaign order when they move online. Affiliate marketing shows you what you need, in order to ensure you've got regular, monthly closings.

If you look at the more successful MLM'ers who are operating online, self-funding proposals become a very important goal. They're making sure their people will be around long enough to build the business on the back-end, without having to work 3 jobs.

Makes good business sense.

If you wish to know more about self-funding proposals, especially if
you're looking for systems already working online (excluding monthly lead generation systems producing gross leads), then we're talking about accessing some type of system which will give you more of a complete package (addressing lead generation,
traffic flow, conversions (people who click on your links and buy), then
moving at a future date your own personalized products, some day).

Some of the resources have already been placed in this blog.

Still others require testing before I can confirm they're safe.

I'll continue to offer updates.

For MLM'ers -- I have a strongly recommended, proven source coming your way for solid downline development, in the event you tried other methods. Putting more ducks in a row before I can announce results.

Supporting Your Success Using Proven Marketing Means,

B. Brinkmeyer, MBA

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Flock Browser

Hi fellow network marketers and affiliates,

Offering you product reviews from time-to-time, intentions are to offer universal business needs applying to both MLM'ers/affiliate marketers harnessing the power of the Internet.

If you're not sure why becoming an Internet Marketer is a right for you, you should spend some time researching this topic. I'll tell you that we have a new breed of network marketers emerging. Strong communication is the hallmark emphasis, to find out what business owners truly want, seeking to fulfill that need with realism. These people's greatest success into this millenium will be connected to the degree of integrity they bring to their teams and their companies, respectively.

Now if you're in the ballpark area and want to know more about how you can apply Internet Marketing to your business, feel free to check out the resources listed in the right-hand column of this blog. Some links apply more readily to MLM'ers. Some links apply to affiliate marketing.


Whenever you're implementing anything, conduct the proper research to make sure your business risks won't outweight benefits. Case in point. With Flock, I'm still testing the security on this tool. I've been using Internet Explorer for years without difficulty but Flock is an unknown. As with all decisions, you assume
all risks so use caution wherever warranted. Keep your anti-virus scans going, back up information every week, then quarantine your risks (like viruses, worms, Trojans, etc.).

Let's talk about a few tools applying to several marketing folks online:

Twitter --

Is a communication tool which can ease your ability to communicate through Web 2.0 means. It can be used to market a product of your own online (software, e-books or educational DVD's), or it can be used to faciliate team communications at the MLM level. This tool minimizes the need to solely rely on telecommunications, if we're talking about using a blend of automated marketing along with phoning.

Feel free to check out this source directly.

Cut/paste into your Google browser --

Flock --

This browser may be a forthcoming strength in the year ahead to enhance social marketing (helping people who like to use Linked-In, Plaxo, and more). It's a tool which can ease usually challenging transitions from one social site to another quickly, increasing your ability to advertise yourself through any means you can imagine -- imagery, audio, video, landing pages (ad pages) and more. This browser can enhance your blogging if you're able to work through multiple windows at once, tabbing from one site to another in seconds.

There's no charge for incorporating this browser. Flock is powered by Mozilla but to find out specifically what this browser might do for you, cut/paste the link below into your Google browser.

You'll see Flock is powered by Mozilla and it incorporates the benefits and features of Firefox.

You can download flock to align to Windows, MAC, or Linux.

Drawbacks to using this browser:

It's requires huge memory.

If you're using your PC for basic work, this browser may be overkill and may not be necessary at all. Decisions to incorporate any tool or marketing technique will always depend on the end-goals of your business, consistent with current needs.

Security risks -- I'll leave this up to you to decide.

A Note About Posts On This Blog --

All of the information I bring you tip-wise, technique or product-wise is meant to increase your ability to safely navigate the web, supporting development of your MLM/affiliate business at recruiting levels never before imagined. It is very possible to put your business on steriods but you need the right tools, accurate information and a powerhouse mindset (for powerful recruiting needs). You can't mess around with people when you're building online.

Also keep in mind, much of what you hear in traditional MLM realms may conflict with some of what you'll hear in affiliate realms. This is because the two business environments approach product advertising and distribution differently.

Supporting Your Success Using Proven Means,

B. Brinkmeyer, MBA