Today's post brings you an extra-added bonus. In a prior post, I pose the age-old business debate, "Persistence Or Knowledge…? Which one is most important?
My thoughts on any debated subject would be -- first-off, who wants to tackle a debate, esp. if you're more interested in progressing in your business/your life)? If you're like me -- a true-blue, died-in-the-wool entrepreneur who wants hard-core solutions, debates spend precious time, and they usually lead nowhere.
So here's some food for thought.
There are a lot of skills that go into building a home-based-business. Let's talk about a few, integral components I mention in another post titled, "Common Attributes of Highly-Successful Entrepreneurs:
- Persistence
- Knowledge
Which attribute (or component) do you believe is most essential to your success?
No doubt…, you nailed the answer.
Money “Earners” VS Money “Dreamers”
Persistence is required when you're building a business. That's very, very big. Some would say it's paramount. I'm talking about tapping into an “inner drive” that keeps you tickin', long before you're kickin’ everything into highest gear.
Even after you have:
- taken a lickin'
- heard a 100 “No’s”
- made donations to Google Adwords
- or faced any other hurdle temporarily knocking you down.
What really separates money “earners” from money “dreamers” are those who use real persistence, day in and day out. It's that commitment to get back up after any event, to understand that battles aren’t won or lost over a short amount of time. I'm talking about those times where you're winning one success or even experiencing a failure.
Failure in the book of masters only means one thing. It's an opportunity to begin again by applying greater intelligence -- that know-how better known as wisdom, garnered only after you've stepped through consistent action.
Failure may involve a setback, but it does not mean you're whipped.
If this makes sense, let's move forward.
Strong VS. Persistent - What It Means In Successful Terms
The strong and persistent people continue to get things done. They understand that doing something…even if it’s wrong... is still far superior than doing nothing at all.
***Another Note***
Some Phrases You May Have Heard Before --
- The weak look for reasons or excuses to not do something.
- The persistent look for ways and reasons why they can get something done - EVEN WHEN THEY’RE CONSIDERED BY MANY (THE WEAK ONES) TO BE "DOWN AND OUT".
So don't set yourself up for a fall by rationalizing your way out of opportunities long before you know or comprehend what they might involve.
Case in point. When I stepped into my 4th MLM, I asked people why they didn't use the Internet? I was naturally thinking -- so here we have this powertool that only "the top people can use"...hmmm. Why is that so? And, why aren't most of us harnessing 21st-century technology? You know what I heard (other than crickets)? Well, the company says you can't do this. Right. It's because the top 1% formed agreements with the firm, obtaining this decree. It's because they will perform but the other 98% might not.
I also heard -- "It's too costly".
Hmmm. You'll see a ton of people going online, without corporate permission.
Seems to me that this is "rhetoric" (of why you can't do something is solely based on someone else's advice corresponding to a typical nightmare). It's really a whopper of failure no one wants to admit. This means that rather than telling another unsuspecting person, "I really messed up and didn't conduct thorough research"..., I'll still act like an expert anyway. That kind of advice comes from someone who went out there in cyberspace without consulting Internet advertising specialists.
I apologize if this reads harsh.
Never take someone else's word as a solemn answer, especially if another person loses big money (online) without knowing why. Find the pros who've been there and done that, repeatedly.
They will spare you unnecessary pain.
Want Proof?
You can pause any campaign you're running to stay within monthly budgetary constraints. That means, if you intend to spend $100, $200, or even $1,000 (on paid advertising), you stop there!
Better still, start with free means. People do it all the time, online and they generate their leads for far less than traditional players pay, never mind paying $5/lead. That's a post for another day.
I'm giving away a few trade secrets, but this is important.
OK - moving back on topic.
So why is persistence more important than knowledge? If you're going to build your business in a sustainable manner, let's assume...wouldn't you want to know how to get something done so that you can recruit more reps?
The short answer is a resounding, “Yes”, however - persistence is a precursor to that knowledge.
The money “earners” who have the willingness to do whatever it takes by using their unwavering “hunger” will find there are hugely-acceptable, industry standards. These standards have been and will continue to be repeatedly proven even as the Internet evolves. These answers help you gain the needed know-how without going broke.
Persistent people get what's involved in order to solve "that plaguing problem 98% of the others don't solve too well. So how do you get something done exceptionally well (not by just "making it")?
These are the questions others brush under the carpet, particularly if or when old answers don't fit the new codes (the Internet) or when new solutions don't appear so readily (again..., think Internet). See where I'm going with this?
When we’re recruiting others into a business, you want to heavily weigh persistence far more than knowledge.
People can be trained and taught to do certain things. I would talk about learning those things that aren't always taught in the traditional recruiting environments, like getting the proper phoning skillset, developing your mastery over conferencing and more. I'm not talking about tripping over your tongue. You have to know what you're doing but that means accessing people who know and do this all the time.
I would mention -- you have to learn how to script a compelling call holding peoples' attention, then propelling them forward to take specific actions based on what they tell you they need.
I'm talking about how you lead people to follow through on your recommendations when they'd rather sit on their dimes, not because of old fear but because they're following a trusted source.
I'm not talking about leading the lambs to slaughter.
I'm talking about serving a real need, based on repeated permission people clearly offer you, just because it makes good sense -- not because some on-stager said so. This is about giving people complete information before they opt-into your offers so there are no smoke or mirrors involved.
Now..., to develop the expertise I'm talking about, persistence is required. This is something that can't be taught.
A true entrepreneur must have a willingness or an unwavering desire "to do whatever it takes" to bring things about, without resorting to any trickery. That thought brings us back to focusing on something big.
Focus on Your Ultimate Reason -- Why?
What motivates you when the “chips” are down? This is the most relevant asset your business will possess. It's that part of you which permanently resides between your ears.
NO ONE can steal this, take it away or strip you of it. It’s yours…forever. So the only real question is… "What do you plan on doing with it?”
*** One Final Note ***
Creating and maintaining this blog has been an absolute thrill for me. I'm entirely dedicated to your success, but I hope my content will always be helpful. Please continue posting your comments or suggestions. You ask. I'll do everything within my power to provide solid, jet-propelled solutions. Just don’t demand the Statue of Liberty will be delivered to your front door, or wish for something far more outrageous (like a business doing everything without your involvement).
Supporting Your Success Using Proven Means,
B. Brinkmeyer, MBA
Ranked #78 out of 100,000 affiliates, private site tutorial author, Internet marketing.