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Friday, September 11, 2009

Fortune Cookie Wisdom - Smoking, MLM Style

Fellow MLM'ers, Welcome --

In all business matters, please know fellow MLM'ers that just because someone says smoking is fun, that doesn't mean it's good for you ! Same reasoning might apply to folks who recommend you use 20th-Century marketing in a 21st-Century global economy. Sooner-or-later, there's bound to be a rift between the 'old-fashioned thinkers' and the 'early adopters'. My point here is -- don't always believe what you're told. If you use the methods conventional wisdom holds as true, try these methods. See what they do. If you get limited results, rethink what you're doing in favor of what might happen more effectively. I'll give you a hint. Hundreds of thousands of MLM'ers are now using the Internet to put their names 'out there'. It's about putting the numbers in your favor.

Offering Food-For-Thought Using Proven Marketing Means,

B. Brinkmeyer, MBA

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