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Monday, January 9, 2012

Purpose of Blog, Quick 2012 Update

Welcome Back Fellow Home Based Business Marketers!

In the course of locating any of my blogs, you will find content varying.  Reasons for this have more to do with speaking to the direct of needs of any given audience.

Because we are now in the year of 2012, you will find many interesting and powerful people speaking out in earnest.

The purest hearts seek to connect to you to show you your true power.

The main assumption governing all communications will be to mirror back your grandeur for purposes of helping you find your true power.

The key to making this world a better place is to grab hands, work together, pull in many ideas, and find the highest solutions.  In so doing, we turn on the metaphoric light switch to create the best solutions for all.

Here's what you're looking for whenever you tap into any online resource:

  • When you locate any of my blogs, try not to get lost in the words.  Focus on the essence of what I am sharing...
  • Look within for your highest answers
  • Focus on your most positive side
  • Be loving to yourself
  • Ask for highest guidance
  • Sit in your heart
  • Ask for very clear answers that you cannot misunderstand
  • Use careful discernment in all matters
  • Trust yourself
When you do these things, you will magnetize to you wonderful people.  They now appear more online in an effort to bring forth the highest reality.

If you are here to network, feel free to refer to many of the resources I've established for you. They are here for your safe use.

If you are here to make friends, I have been attracting pure hearts in this place...from all over the globe.  We pull in highest ethics designed to assist you in your upliftment and success.  This is done so in a ready effort to usher in a New Economy (without baloney).

If you are here to research what's involved in potentially starting a business for yourself online, here's what you want to look for:

1)  Drawing to you a decent group of knowledgeable people who will be available and who will mirror back to you your highest self (true power)
2)  Connect with those who will never distort, omit, control, or remove empowered content
3)  Incorporate very high honesty and integrity
4)  Emphasize steady patience ...avoiding short term approaches
5)  Network
6)  Employ ultimate can feel when something isn't always trust your gut
7)  Access information systems, educational help, and networks who value what they do
8)  Tap into resources passing the test of time
9)  Make decisions leading to you informed choosing and responsible purchasing
10)  Discover/create caring realities designed to bring you sustainability and reasonable business growth.

As in all things, I will never encourage you to work a billion or trillion dollar blueprint.  Pick a level you can sustain, enjoy, and share. 

Money is energy.  If you misuse either, it will be taken from you...not by others but by your higher self.

Work together.

Know that any content you access over time is replaced by better content leveraging a higher consciousness.  As humanity evolves, so do business and personal ethics.

Be in charge of your life.  Know that you create your reality by holding a specific set of thoughts, and by taking "right-minded action".

Diligence and a strong, steady belief in yourself are everything. 

If you don't feel worthy about one or many beliefs, persist until you find out what the most positive statements will be.  HINT:  Take your negative thoughts and restate them in positive terms. 


With these statements carefully made, any of my blogs will do one major thing --

Put you in best charge of your future. 

Anything you don't like can be changed for the better.  Anytime you hit resistance, it is your higher self's way of saying "push on another door because this one isn't working".  Set your intent.  Take a small step forward, no matter how small it appears.  Tiny steps add up to more change than you could currently imagine.  Your Spirit will always put your best interests at heart.

Please post your comments on any of my blogs.  It matters not which realm of influence you live in. or move from.  The Internet is here, and it is designed to put information at your fingertips for far less than you would imagine.  You will not be limited to an online environment.  What you learn here can translate into offline success.  The two will blend.

I am moving in directions of merging all content online.  Because you have been taught from childhood to view life in one way mainly -- buying...and consumerism.  There are those online who value individual success at highest levels, and we are here to help you shift in creative, producer-oriented ways.  This is a major shift in mindset, in that you must therefore be taught to value what you already know.  It is also very possible to take your most basic interests by turning them into real profits.

The goal amongst some I access online do one thing -- help you find your center and help you create the life you deem most appropriate. 

You do not have to be owned by anyone.  You are a free entity...loved in ways you could not possibly see right now.

If you click on some articles and see that they are either missing... they are being updated, require further revision, and are connected to some links which no longer sppear, it is because these links are not sponsored by other individuals, or more. 

My blogs do one thing:  help you harness the power of the Internet in ways you could not presently imagine.  What worked 3 years ago does not necessarily apply to today. That is true because Google is changing so much of what it requires.  Some content varies as per individual/group mindset alteration.

Toasting Your Online Success,

Barbara Brinkmeyer, MBA
Internet Marketer

To contact me personally, head over to my Internet Marketing blog :


and kindly leave your contact information there.  It is safe and will never be shared.  I am finding better ways to connect all content published on prior blogger they tie into this major business blog.  The blog that you'll see when you click on the blue link serves one purpose.  It tells business owners what they can expect to reap when they set up their businesses using strongest methods.

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