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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Understanding Your Traffic Thru Webmastered Tools

Welcome Back Fellow Online Entrepreneurs!

On this home based business blog applicable to network marketers, affiliates, and independent business owners, there are highly specific techniques, tools, and things online folks learn and use to market their wares.  Even in the case of MLM, THEY WOULD HATE ME FOR SHARING THIS VALUABLE EDUCATION.

As far as I know online, NO ONE TEACHES THIS COTENT....not in a transparent way.  The goal is to show you that you should not attempt Internet marketing by yourself, no matter how seasoned you may be with your company.  The goal is to show you independent marketing protecting your business rights at a personal level.  This is cutting edge education at its finest!!!

You will see a video by one of our guys behind the Open Education Project -- Jay's "Magicstudios" Actual Webinar -- "His Baby"...and here's the Webinar Description --

Understanding Your Traffic Through Webmastsered Tools
It is very important to keep track of your positions and rankings within the SERPs for your website. It is also just as important to understand your (potential) visitors behaviors, know why they what they are (or not)..., then clicking on your site.
  • If you can gather this kind of data, you will definitely have an upper hand against most...if not the majority of your competitors.
  • Luckily for all business owners, Google has the ability to give you this information inside of their Webmaster Tools

  • You will be given an opportunity to see how to access and understand this data

Webinar Benefits And Learning Outcomes --
  1. Learning About Your Search Queries
  2. Is Your Traffic Qualified for Your Content?
  3. Does Google Count Google+ As a Backlink?
  4. Are Your Pages Talking to Each Other?
  5. Why You Should Care About All This Stuff
  6. What You Can Do Specifically

So listen to the webinar, take it all in, and learn.  Develop your cutting edge large companies know but may not teach.

Toasting Your Success, Absolutely!

Barbara Brinkmeyer, MBA

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